Saturday was the first Saskblogs BBQ in Saskatoon. The turnout wasn’t as high as expected, but the weather wasn’t perfect and I think next year we’ll have one earlier in the Summer when people have more time for outdoor activities. The Main Stream Media showed up, and added significantly to the attendence figures, since the reporter Jeremy is a blogger from Saskatchewan too. Also in attendence was Dan, Lance, Derek, and Saskboy (moi).
This time we used lighter fluid on the BBQ, and no one lost fingers or body hair. Not that we lost any last time.
There were going to be a few women coming too, but Ashley was sick, Dan’s wife couldn’t make it due to the weather, and Hecticity wasn’t there either. Kate of Small Dead Animals who was at the last BBQ in Regina was on the road in the States. So even though there wasn’t a big crowd, it was still a fun time to catch up on blog, computer, reporter, and Saskatchewan culture. It’s different talking to people about blog issues, when they can interrupt your train of thought, or make an instant comment. I’m much wittier online because I have a few seconds or minutes to think about a reply instead of milliseconds. Sometimes I worry if I’ve trained my brain to use my fingers for expression when my vocal cords could otherwise be used.
The Star Phoenix published a writeup on Sept. 25 about blogging, and our little event.
Back in Regina Saturday evening the sunset was impressively pink.